Diary of a wimpy kid : : the third wheel /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:46650
書  名Diary of a wimpy kid :the third wheel /
作  者by Jeff Kinney
出 版 項London :; Puffin,; 2012
稽 核 項217 p. :; ill. ;; 20 cm
標  題Heffley, Greg (Fictitious character)
標  題Diaries
標  題Children's stories
標  題Humorous stories
摘 要 註A Valentine's Day dance at Greg's middle school has turnedhis world upside down until an unexpected twist gives Grega partner for the dance and leaves his best friend Rowleythe odd man out
ISBN9780141344980 (hbk.)
ISBN0141344989 (hbk.)
ISBN9780141348568 (pbk.)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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