Beauty and the beast : : lost in a book /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:46697
書  名Beauty and the beast :lost in a book /
作  者JenniferDonnelly
出 版 項Glendale, CA :; Disney Press,; 2017
稽 核 項341 p. ;; 22 cm
標  題Characters and characteristics in literature
標  題Friendship
標  題Books
標  題Beauty and the beast (Tale)
標  題Friendship
標  題Books
集  叢Beauty and the Beast (Disney Press)
版  次1st hbk. ed
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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Seriously... I'm kidding / Ellen DeGeneresDiary of a Wimpy Kid : : Cabin fever / / Jeff KinneyA Man Called Ove Media Tie-In / Backman, FredrikThe Dreamer / Siegel, SheldonExpiration Dates / Rebecca Serle

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