Merci Suarez Changes Gears

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:50902
書  名Merci Suarez Changes Gears
作  者Meg Medina
出 版 項Somerville, Mass. :; Candlewick Press,; 2020.04
稽 核 項355 p. ;; 20 cm
標  題Girls
標  題Middle school students
標  題Middle schools
標  題Sixth grade (Education)
標  題Schools
標  題Grandfathers
標  題Grandparent and child
標  題Jealousy
標  題Alzheimer's disease
標  題Florida
附 註 項Includes discussion questions
摘 要 註Merci Surez knew that sixth grade would be different, butshe had no idea just how different. For starters, Mercihas never been like the other kids at her private schoolin Florida, because she and her older brother, Roli, arescholarship students. They don't have a big house or afancy boat, and they have to do extra community service tomake up for their free tuition. So when bossy Edna Santossets her sights on the new boy who happens to be Merci'sschool-assigned Sunshine Buddy, Merci becomes the targetof Edna's jealousy. Things aren't going well at home,either: Merci's grandfather and most trusted ally, Lolo,has been acting strangely lately -- forgetting importantthings, falling from his bike, and getting angry overnothing. No one in her family will tell Merci what's going
版  次1st U.S. paperback ed
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