Echo : : a novel /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:46693
書  名Echo :a novel /
作  者Pam Munoz Ryan
出 版 項Scholastic; [2015]
稽 核 項583 pages ;; 22 cm
標  題Harmonica
標  題Music
標  題Fate and fatalism
標  題Families
標  題Harmonica
標  題Music
標  題Fate and fatalism
標  題Family life
標  題Germany
標  題Pennsylvania
標  題California
標  題Germany
標  題Pennsylvania
標  題California
附 註 項Title and statement of responsibility taken from jacketcover
摘 要 註Lost in the Black Forest, Otto meets three mysterioussisters and finds himself entwined in a prophecy, apromise, and a harmonica--and decades later three children,Friedrich in Germany, Mike in Pennsylvania, and Ivy inCalifornia find themselves caught up in the same thread ofdestiny in the darkest days of the twentieth century,struggling to keep their families intact, and tiedtogether by the music of the same harmonica
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