Diary of a Wimpy Kid : : dog days /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:46647
書  名Diary of a Wimpy Kid :dog days /
作  者Jeff Kinney
出 版 項New York :; Amulet Books,; 2010
稽 核 項214, [4] p. :; ill. ;; 21 cm
標  題Summer
標  題Vacations
標  題Diaries
集  叢Diary of a wimpy kid
摘 要 註In the latest diary of middle-schooler Greg Heffley, herecords his attempts to spend his summer vacation sensiblyindoors playing video games and watching television,despite his mother's other ideas
ISBN9780810997516 (pbk.) :
ISBN0810997517 (pbk.)
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
索 書 號登 錄 號冊次號館別 / 館藏地流通類型狀態加入預約清單電子資源
813.6 / K55 051962 V.4 復興高中圖書館 / 外文區 可外借 在館   

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Diary of a wimpy kid : Greg Heffley's journal / by JeffKinneyDiary of a wimpy kid : : the last straw / / Jeff Kinney

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