Our house is on fire : scenes of a family and a planet incrisis

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:50057
書  名Our house is on fire scenes of a family and a planet incrisis
作  者Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg, Malena Ernman,and Beata Ernman
出 版 項New York; Penguin Books, an imprint of Penguin RandomHouse; 2020.04
稽 核 項279 pages; 21 cm
標  題Thunberg, Greta,
標  題Thunberg, Svante,
標  題Environmentalists
標  題Climatic changes
標  題Global warming
附 註 項Originally published in Swedish as Scener ur hjartat byBokforlaget Polaris, Stockholm
附 註 項Copyright c2018 by Malena Ernman, Svante Thunberg, GretaThunberg, Beata Ernman, and Bokforlaget Polaris.Translation copyright c2020 by Paul Norlen and SaskiaVogel
摘 要 註When climate activist Greta Thunberg was eleven, herparents, Malena and Svante, and her little sister, Beata,were facing a crisis in their own home. Greta had stoppedeating and speaking, and her mother and father hadreconfigured their lives to care for her. Desperate andsearching for answers, her parents discovered what was atthe heart of Greta's distress: her imperiled future on arapidly heating planet. Steered by Greta's determinationto understand the truth and generate change, they began tosee the deep connections between their own suffering andthe planet's. Written by a remarkable family and toldthrough the voice of an iconoclastic mother, Our House IsOn Fire is the story of how they fought their problems athome by taking global action. And it is the story of howGreta decided to go on strike from school, igniting aworldwide rebellion." -- From back cover
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