The journey

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:48469
書  名The journey
作  者by Francesca Sanna
出 版 項London, England; Flying Eye Books/animprint of Nobrow Ltd; c2016
稽 核 項1 v. (unpaged) :; col. ill. ;; 22 x 29 cm
標  題Mother and child
標  題Children and war
標  題Refugees
標  題Fathers
摘 要 註What is it like to have to leave everything behind andtravel many miles to somewhere unfamiliar and strange? Amother and her two children set out on such a journey; onefilled with fear of the unknown, but also great hope.Based on the author's interactions with people forced toseek a new home, and told from the perspective of a youngchild
ISBN9781909263994 :
版  次8th ed
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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