Blood and earth : : modern slavery, ecocide, and the secretto saving the world /

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:50900
書  名Blood and earth :modern slavery, ecocide, and the secretto saving the world /
作  者Kevin Bales
出 版 項Spiegel & Grau; 2016.19
稽 核 項290 pages :; illustrations ;; 25 cm.
標  題Slavery
標  題Slave labor
標  題Environmental degradation
標  題Consumption (Economics)
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-277) andindex
內 容 註Secrets -- Under the volcano -- The city of rags -- Shrimpcocktail -- The runaway train -- Gold rings -- Themassacre of memory -- As with trees, so with men -- We'veall got a part of the answer -- You can't un-know what youknow.
摘 要 註BLOOD AND EARTH is a gripping account of the deadly linkbetween slavery and environmental destruction. Kevin Balesis a social scientist, human rights activist, andjournalist -- and he's also one of the world's leadingexperts on modern slavery. In his work he began to noticethe connection between environmental decline and slavery:the two almost always went hand-in-hand, whether in thehellish gold mines of Ghana or the miraculously beautifulmangrove forests of Bangladesh. But why? He set off tofind the answer on a fascinating and moving journey thattook him into the lives of modern day slaves and along asupply chain that leads directly to the cell phones in ourpockets. He found solutions that redeemed both the livesof the slaves in the world's most threatened places andthe environments they live in. This is a clear-eyed,inspiring, and profoundly hopeful book that brings usdramatic stories from the world's environmental and humanrights hotspots and offers solutions to our most pressingcrises"--
版  次First edition
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